A pension fund in the Northeast has reissued its RFP seeking passive investment managers.
A California county has issued an RFP for a separate account manager to create an emerging manager hedge fund program.
A Great Plains education system made a private equity commitment earlier this month.
A Midwestern pension plan has terminated one of its active domestic large-cap value equity managers in favor of an internally managed portfolio.
A New England-based pension fund will soon issue an RFP for private equity managers.
A Southwestern employees pension plan will issue RFPs to fill three new asset class portfolios.
A Texas-based pension plan added follow-on commitments in private credit and private equity this week.
A Great Lakes-based pension plan is considering the addition of an active mid-cap equity mandate.
A pension fund in the Midwest will issue an RFP for liquid absolute return fixed-income managers.
A Texas-based fund approved an infrastructure commitment at its board meeting this week.