A Southwestern pension plan committed to four alternatives funds last month.
A Northeastern pension plan is looking to potentially add private equity to its portfolio.
A pension fund near our nation’s capital has concluded its absolute return fixed-income manager search.
A New England-based pension fund has issued an RFP for private equity and opportunistic debt managers.
A Northeast teachers plan has concluded its searches for three investment consultants.
A Great Plains plan has issued its RFP seeking non-core real estate managers.
A Midwestern pension plan both raised its target asset allocation to private equity and added follow-on commitments in the asset class last month.
A university in the Northeast is looking to increase its commitment to illiquid and alternative investments over the next decade.
An Indiana university-affiliated health system has added new asset class allocation and is hiring an investment staffer.
A Southern university system is slowly transitioning its endowment to a new target asset allocation approved in the second quarter.