A pension plan on the West Coast has made a hire in its diversified liquid real return manager search.
An Eastern pension plan has disclosed recent private equity commitments.
A pension fund in the Northeast will issue an RFP for private debt managers in October.
A Midwestern pension plan has issued an RFP for private equity fund-of-funds services.
A university based in the Northeast will look to reinvest the proceeds of its investments with a fund-of-funds manager at its investment committee meeting next month.
An East Coast pension plan will interview three hedge fund managers and four real assets managers in the next two months.
A Mid-Atlantic pension plan is slated to issue an RFP for private markets discretionary consulting services later this week.
A Great Lakes pension plan disclosed new commitments at a meeting last week.
A California pension plan has disclosed four recent private equity commitments.
A Midwestern pension plan is scheduled to consider and approve a private equity manager RFP later this month.