A pension plan in the Southeast disclosed private commitments at a board meeting today.
A Canadian foundation has issued an RFP for alternative investment management services.
A pension fund in the Northeast has increased its targets to hedge funds, private equity and real estate as part of a new asset allocation
A state pension plan in the Northeast terminated a frontier markets mandate and added several private equity commitments this summer.
A pension fund in the Northeast has made hires in its real estate and private equity manager searches.
A Texas pension plan has added commitments within its real estate and private equity portfolios.
A Washington, D.C.-based organization is searching for funds that support growth, expansion, business development, spin-outs, management buyouts, restructuring and/or privatizations in select countries.
A pension plan in the Southwest made a follow-on distressed debt commitment last month.
A state pension fund in the South has concluded its emerging markets equity and domestic micro-cap equity searches.
A Texas-based pension plan was scheduled to approve a search for domestic large-cap equity emerging managers last week.