The firm hired a managing director and head of investor relations to lead its fundraising and investor relations activities as well as create and strengthen new and existing client relationships.
Historically Black colleges and universities have had to operate without the support and resources made available to their peers traditionally, yet they have persisted in fostering their students and communities.
The institutions are facing new and increased pressure to leverage their endowment investments to ensure continued independence and long-term sustainability, something that is proving to be difficult as HBCU investment returns have lagged their non-HBCU peers for the past three years due to smaller allocations to alternatives and significantly fewer investment management resources, among other factors.
The approved venture capital commitments to two new investment managers within its portfolio at its February board meeting as it finds artificial intelligence is creating opportunities for the next wave of innovations.
The senior investment officer, which was responsible for portfolio construction and manager selection for the institution’s private equity assets, has left to launch his own private equity firm.
Market enthusiasm generated by the rapid development of new artificial intelligence products has may signal innovation and growth in the long term, though some of that enthusiasm may have led the markets to overvalue some public equity stocks or venture funds in the short-term, according to an outsourced cio.