
Private Equity
New England Pension Approves PE Commitment

The plan also approved liquidating its sole emerging market debt manager at a meeting today.

Searches And Hires
Great Plains Fund Expects Three Recommendations In Coming Months

The fund expects to hear recommendations on adding private credit, venture capital and public fixed-income managers over the next quarter and a half.

Texas Pension Bolsters Alternatives Portfolios

The retirement system disclosed recent private equity and infrastructure commitments from the beginning of the fourth quarter.

People Moves
Investment Consultant Adds Senior V.P. From Western Indian Tribe

The firm hired a senior v.p. within its alternatives consulting group to implement private equity portfolios, including providing direct partnership evaluations, direct co-investment evaluations and fund-of-funds searches.

Southern Pension Approves PE, Real Assets Pacing Plans

The pacing plans call for a total of $835 million across the two asset classes.

Credit/Private Debt
Windy City Pension Launches Private Credit RFP

The retirement fund is seeking multiple managers to handle approximately $350 million in assets.

Private Equity
Illinois Pension Adds Private Equity Commitment

The $20 million commitment results from an ongoing search in the space.

Private Equity
Tower Arch Capital Closes Third Fund

The vehicle closed at its hard cap and was oversubscribed with investors, including current and former management team members, foundations, diversified financial institutions, university endowments and family investment offices.

Private Equity Manager Appoints Operating Partner

The firm has appointed an operating partner to help identify and support new investments in wealth and asset management.

Private Equity
Great Plains Fund To Consider New PE Relationship

The fund will consider adding a new private equity manager within its trust fund portfolio following a presentation from the firm at its board meeting this week.
