
Real Estate
Southern Fund Makes RE Commitment; Discloses Infrastructure, Energy Investments

The fund approved a real estate commitment in a separate account agreement with an existing manager within its portfolio in the fourth quarter and disclosed infrastructure and energy investments from the first half of 2022.

People Moves
Private Credit Mgr. Names Responsible Investment Strategy Head

The firm named its managing director for originations as head of responsible investment strategy last month to oversee ESG integration throughout its investment process and define its responsible investment strategy and initiatives.

Pacific Northwest Plan Discloses Private Markets Commitments

All five commitments were made to existing manager relationships.

Texas Plan Makes PE Commitment; Rescinds Private Debt Allocation

The plan made a $25 million re-up with an existing fund at its investment committee meeting this week while also opting to rescind a private debt commitment due to delays in deploying capital.

West Coast University Increases Existing REIT Investment

The university will invest an additional $500 million in the REIT on March 1 and the investment will have the same structure, terms and fees as the initial investment.

People Moves
Mid-Atlantic Plan Adds Deputy Directors, Deputy CIOs

The appointments include one internal promotion and one external hire.

Administrator - Bundled
Northeast 457 Plan Approves Bundled Provider RFP

The plan voted to issue an RFP for the services due to the upcoming contract expiration of one of its providers.

Venture Capital
Consultant Partners With Digital Asset Platform To Develop Digital Asset Indexes

The West Coast-based firm has entered a partnership with a digital asset platform to develop a range of single-coin, multi-coin and thematic indexes for institutional investors.

Private Equity
Kansas Bolsters PE Portfolio; Launches A/L Study

The plan approved commitments of up to $40 million each to two strategies.

Northeast Plan Sets 2023 Pacing Plans For PE, Real Estate

The plan will look to commit $100 million to private equity and $60 million to real estate this year.
