
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Kentucky Releases Absolute Return FoF RFP
The $945 million University of Kentucky endowment is seeking an absolute return hedge fund-of-funds
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Illinois Slates Endowment RFPs
The approximately $1.5 billion University of Illinois endowment plans to issue RFPs for hedge fund,
Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
UNLV To Seek Real Assets, Hires Smid-Cap Mgr.
The approximately $111 million University of Nevada-Las Vegas Foundation will seek real assets
Alternatives Equity Real Assets
Adams County Makes Int'l Equity Hires; To Discuss MLPs
The $192 million Adams County (Colo.) Retirement Plan hired two international equity
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
MassPRIM To Issue Emerging Market Debt RFP; Increases HF Allocation
The $50.3 billion Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board will issue an RFP for
Hedge Funds Alternatives Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Philly To Issue Hedge Fund Consultant RFP
The $4.1 billion Philadelphia Public Pension Employees Retirement System will issue an RFP for a
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
Ohio Highway To Issue RFPs for Direct HFs, FoFs
The $765 million Ohio State Highway Patrol Retirement System approved searching for hedge
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
NY State Common Creates Real Estate JV; Makes PE & RE Hires
The $146.5 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund has created a joint venture with
Alternatives Surveys/Studies Real Assets
Kansas Approves New Asset Allocation
The $13.3 billion Kansas Public Employees Retirement System has approved a new long-term
Alternatives Fixed-Income Equity
New York Teachers Creates Global Bonds Bucket
The $85 billion New York State Teachers Retirement System created a new 2% target