
Alternatives Real Assets Private Equity
Arizona Plan Makes Commitments
The $6.8 billion Arizona Public Safety Personnel Retirement System made several private commitments
Real Estate Alternatives Equity
Oregon Hires Axiom, Arrowstreet
The $59.6 billion Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund hired emerging markets equity
Hedge Funds Alternatives Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Austin Police Likely To Discuss CSG
The $508 million Austin (Texas) Police Retirement System is likely to discuss current general
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Richmond Expands Hedge Fund Roster
The $491 million Richmond Retirement System added another hedge fund manager at its board
Hedge Funds Alternatives
RI Plan Interview HF Finalists
The $60 million East Providence Policemen’s & Firemen’s Retirement System is expected to
Industry News Alternatives Private Equity
Michigan Plan Anchors In-State Investment Initiative
The $51.4 billion State of Michigan Retirement Systems has made an anchor investment in
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
Ohio Schools Sets FY2012 Investment Plan
The $10.55 billion Ohio School Employees Retirement System expects to continue to focus on
Alternatives Surveys/Studies
East Bay Muni. Eyes Covered Calls
The $954 million East Bay Municipal Utility District Employees Retirement System (Calif.) may
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Vote Questions Lead To Overturning of HF Investment At SDCERA
The $8.3 billion San Diego County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association has not made a $100
Hedge Funds Alternatives Real Assets
San Diego County Approves New Real Estate Mix; Makes Alts. Hires
The $8.3 billion San Diego County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association approved a new