
Real Estate Alternatives Equity
Missouri Seeking Global Equity Mgrs.
The University of Missouri is seeking two to three global equity managers following the
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Kentucky Monitoring Hedge FoF Mgr.
The $940 million University of Kentucky endowment is monitoring absolute return hedge
Alternatives Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
Pa. County Adopts New Investment Policy; Adjusts Asset Allocation
The $740 million Retirement Board of Allegheny County (Pa.) is increasing its target
Alternatives Equity Private Equity
St. Paul Eying PE Increase, Global Equity Structure
The $1 billion St. Paul (Minn.) Teachers Retirement System has had preliminary discussions about
Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
Northern Mariana Plan Announces Investment Hires
The $313 million Northern Mariana Islands Retirement Fund today announced the hiring of
Alternatives Private Equity
Ohio School Makes Global PE Commitments
The $10.6 billion Ohio School Employees Retirement System made three global private equity
Alternatives Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
MoLAGERS Makes Global Equity, Managed Futures Hire
The $3.7 billion Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System hired two global equity
LA Utility Creates 5% Covered Calls Target
The $7.5 billion Los Angeles Water & Power Employees’ Retirement Plan created a 5% covered
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
Sacramento County To Shift Towards Direct Hedge Funds; Makes PE Commitment
The $5.9 billion Sacramento County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association plans to
Real Estate Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Ann Arbor Eyes Emerging Markets Equity & Fixed-Income, Natural Resources, TIPS & Bank Loans
The $418 million Ann Arbor (Mich.) City Employees Retirement System is considering