
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Small-Cap
Wayne State Approves Investment Changes
The approximately $240 million Wayne State University endowment has recently made changes
Alternatives Fixed-Income
Oklahoma Fund Tweaks Asset Allocation; Hires For Real Return
The $1.8 billion Oklahoma School Land Trust approved a new asset allocation that resulted
Hedge Funds Alternatives Equity
Indiana Foundation Hires For Hedge FoF
The approximately $92 million Conner Prairie Foundation hired Forester Partners to handle
Real Estate Alternatives
Michigan State Hires Real Estate Mgrs.
The approximately $1.2 billion Michigan State University endowment hired CrossHarbor
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Texas Fund Hires Mgrs.
The Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company has hired a slew of equity managers for its
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Louisiana State Police Watching GAM
The $447 million Louisiana State Police Retirement System has placed hedge fund-of-funds
Alternatives Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Ohio Public Employees Hires Alts. Consultant
The $75.7 billion Ohio Public Employees Retirement System has hired Hewitt EnnisKnupp as
Hedge Funds Alternatives
NJ Foundation Seeks Hedge FoF
The Community Foundation of New Jersey is seeking a long/short hedge fund-of-funds manager
Real Estate Alternatives
UPDATE: Texas Permanent Reissues Real Estate RFQ; Approves Risk Parity, Real Estate Mgrs.
The $25 billion Texas Permanent School Fund has issued an RFQ for real estate managers,
Alternatives Private Equity
Oklahoma Fire To Issue Private Equity RFP
The $1.7 billion Oklahoma Firefighters Pension & Retirement System will issue an RFP in the next