
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Texas Permanent May Reopen Real Estate RFQ; Monitors Absolute Return
The approximately $23 billion Texas Permanent School Fund may reopen its RFQ for real
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Parkland May Issue Real Estate RFP; Discusses Hedge Funds
The Dallas County Hospital District (Parkland Health & Hospital System) may issue an RFP
Hedge Funds Alternatives
St. Olaf Adds Mgrs.
The $288 million St. Olaf College endowment hired hedge fund managers Eton Park and JAT
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Alternatives
NM Investment Council To Issue Equity RFPs; Makes Core-Plus Hires
The $14 billion New Mexico State Investment Council will issue RFPs for active domestic
Hedge Funds Alternatives Equity
Colorado Fire & Police Makes Hedge FoF, Emerging Markets Equity Hires
The $3.1 billion Colorado Fire & Police Pension Association made hedge fund-of-fund and emerging
Alternatives Equity Private Equity
Louisiana State Police Moves Forward With PE FoF, Emerging Markets
The $425 million Louisiana State Police Retirement System has decided to move forward with
Real Estate Alternatives Real Assets
LA Utilities Considering Timer, Commodities, Covered Calls
The $7 billion Los Angeles Water & Power Employees Retirement Plan is considering adding timber and
Alternatives Private Equity
Ohio Schools Makes PE Commitment
The $9.9 billion Ohio School Employees Retirement System made a private equity commitment
Alternatives Private Equity
Oklahoma Fire Creates 5% PE Portfolio
The $1.5 billion Oklahoma Firefighters Pension & Retirement System has approved a 5% maiden
Real Estate Alternatives Fixed-Income
Calif. County Starts Asset Study With Global Emphasis
The $4.6 billion Contra Costa County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association is