
Alternatives Fixed-Income Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
New Mexico To Issue Core-Plus, Structured Credit RFPs
The $13.1 billion New Mexico State Investment Council will soon issue RFPs for active core-plus
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Penn. State Employees Monitoring PAAMCO, CalPERS & Ohio Public Mum
The $24 billion Pennsylvania State Employees Retirement System is watching hedge fund-of-funds
Domestic Equity Alternatives Equity
Illinois Teachers Makes Large-Cap Core, Emerging Market Debt, PE Co-Investment Hires
The $31.3 billion Teachers Retirement System of the State of Illinois has hired active domestic
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Vermont Educating On Single Strategy Hedge Funds
The $2.91 billion Vermont Pension Investment Committee is educating itself on single strategy hedge
Alternatives Private Equity Emerging/Diverse Managers
New York Teachers Hires LEIA
The $80.6 billion New York State Teachers Retirement System hired emerging manager-of-managers
Michigan Plan Makes Managed Futures Hire
The $90 million Birmingham (Mich.) Employees Retirement System hired managed futures firm Abbey
Hedge Funds Alternatives Surveys/Studies
LA Utilities Conducting Asset Study; To Issue Hedge FoF RFP
The $7.1 billion Los Angeles Water & Power Employees’ Retirement Plan will conduct an asset
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
CUNY Forgoes P.E.; Hires Global Equity Mgr.
The approximately $150 million City University of New York endowment has decided against
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Mississippi Hires Hedge Fund Mgrs.
The $291 million University of Mississippi Foundation hired three hedge fund managers in
People Moves Hedge Funds Alternatives
Texas Presbyterian Foundation Adds Hedge Funds
The $637 million Texas Presbyterian Foundation has created a new TPF Defensive Strategies