
Domestic Equity Real Estate Small-Cap
Louisiana School Creates 6% Opportunistic Allocation
The $1.34 billion Louisiana School Employees’ Retirement System created a 6% target
People Moves Hedge Funds Alternatives
Philly To Increase HFs; Hires New Executive Director
The $3.5 billion Philadelphia Public Employees Retirement System is looking to increase
Alternatives Private Equity Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Tennessee Issues Private Equity Consultant RFP
The $29 billion Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System has issued its private equity
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Oakland County To Expand Long/Short Search To Global Strategies
The $1.5 billion Oakland County (Mich.) Employees Retirement System has decided to split
Hedge Funds Alternatives Equity
Anne Arundel Makes Portable Alpha, Emerging Market Debt Hires
The $1.3 billion Anne Arundel County (Md.) Retirement System hired a portable alpha
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Southfield Police & Fire Terminates Muirfield
The $192 million Southfield (Mich.) Police & Fire Retirement System has terminated hedge
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Wisconsin Constructing Hedge Fund Portfolio
The $78 billion State of Wisconsin Investment Board will begin searching for 15 to 20
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
NM PERA Commits To Three
The $11 billion New Mexico Public Employees Retirement Association made three
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Kentucky Foundation Expands Study Into Alts.; Monitoring Mgrs.
The $50 million Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky has decided to extend its due diligence
Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Washington To Recommend Policy Changes
The approximately $1.9 billion University of Washington endowment will seek approval from