
Alternatives Real Assets Private Equity
Dayton Evaluating Private Program
The $470 million University of Dayton endowment and operating investment pool is
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
Maine To Discuss Credit, Commodities
The $134 million University of Maine Foundation is considering the addition of
Industry News People Moves Alternatives
Callan Creates Alt. Investment Group, Promotes Shen
Jamie Shen has been promoted to practice leader for the new alternative investment
Alternatives Private Equity Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Tennessee To Issue Private Equity, General Consultant RFPs
The $29 billion Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System will issue RFPs beginning next
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Ohio Public Employees Seeking Hedge FoF
The $68.9 billion Ohio Public Employees Retirement System is searching for up to
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Clearwater To Seek Hedge Fund-of-Funds
The $606 million Clearwater (Fla.) Employees Pension Fund plans to begin searching for a
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Ohio School Commits To 5 Hedge Funds
The $9.18 billion Ohio School Employees Retirement System made commitments of up to $150
Alternatives Equity Private Equity
Mass. Plan Hires Private Equity FoF, Int'l Equity Firms
The $116 million Weymouth (Mass.) Retirement Board made private equity and international
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Alternatives
New Mexico To Issue Smid-Cap RFP Next Week
The $11 billion New Mexico Public Employees Retirement Association will issue a domestic
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
Denver Seeking Hedge FoF; Terminates 3 Core Fixed-Income Mgrs.
The $1.7 billion Denver Employees Retirement Plan is seeking a hedge fund-of-funds to