
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Louisiana Plan Makes Hedge FoF Hires
The $1.1 billion Louisiana Municipal Police Employees Retirement System hired two hedge
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Pompano Beach Redeems From UBP After Madoff Losses
The $150 million Pompano Beach (Fla.) Police & Firefighters’ Retirement System has put in a request
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Small-Cap
New Orleans Eyes Small-Cap Core
The $270 million New Orleans Employees Retirement System is considering hiring a small-cap core
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Alternatives
S.F. To Release Currency RFP Tomorrow; Smid-Cap RFP In April
The $11.8 billion San Francisco City & County Employees Retirement System will issue RFPs for
Alternatives Fixed-Income Non-U.S. & Global Fixed-Income
SI Dialing Down Global Equity For Bond Focus
The approximately $1 billion Smithsonian Institution endowment expects to further dial down its
Alternatives Fixed-Income
Alabama Hires Distressed Mgr.; Replaces Short-Term Fund
The $750 million University of Alabama System approved the hiring of Oaktree Capital Management to
Hedge Funds Alternatives Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
SWIB Preparing Hedge Fund Consultant RFP
The $60 billion State of Wisconsin Investment Board is preparing to issue an RFP for a hedge fund
Alternatives Surveys/Studies Real Assets
San Joaquin Conducting Asset Liability Study
The $1.5 billion San Joaquin County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association will conduct an asset
Alternatives Private Equity
Montgomery County Seeking Private Equity Firms
The $2.7 billion Montgomery County (Md.) Employees Retirement System is searching for private
Alternatives Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Florida Hires Hamilton Lane For FoF Portion of Technology & Growth Initiative; Issues Solicitations For Specialty Consultants
The $100 billion Florida State Board of Administration has hired Hamilton Lane as the fund-of-funds