
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Vermont Interested In Portable Alpha; Continues P.E. Increase
The Vermont Pension and Investment Committee is discussing the possibility of using portable alpha
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
New York State Teachers Makes Hires
The $88 billion New York State Teachers Retirement System made several hires and investments at a
Hedge Funds Alternatives
IPERS Reissues RFP
The $17 billion Iowa Public Employees Retirement System has reissued an RFP for 2-3 enhanced cash
Alternatives Private Equity Emerging/Diverse Managers
CalPERS To Invest $400 Million In Emerging Private Equity Firms
The $220 billion California Public Employees Retirement System announced today that it has
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Louisiana Plan Mum On Potential Searches
The Louisiana Municipal Police Employees Retirement System is considering terminating Orleans
Domestic Equity Real Estate Alternatives
PennSERS Makes Micro-Cap Hires
The $30 billion Pennsylvania State Employees Retirement System has made two hires in micro-cap
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Alternatives
Arizona To Seek Private Equity; Increases Domestic and Int"l Equity
The $23 billion Arizona State Retirement System will search for maiden private equity managers,
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Fresno County "˜Interested" In Portable Alpha
The $2.7 billion Fresno County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association received an education on
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Texas Employees To Search For Real Estate, Private Equity After Dec. Meeting
The $22.3 billion Employees Retirement System of Texas will search for real estate and private
Alternatives Real Assets Private Equity
Allegheny County Hires Commodities, Private Equity Managers
The $719 million Retirement Board of Allegheny County (Pa.) has hired Lehman Brothers to handle a