
Emerging/Diverse Managers
U.S. Representative Proposes Bill Promoting Endowment Transparency & Diversity

The bill would require colleges and universities to disclose information about investments with diverse managers annually.

Industry News
Growth Equity Firm Buys Stake In Wealth Mgmt. Firm

The $200 million transaction will support the wealth management firm’s growth plans.

MRI/Social Investments
Northeast Church Seeds NYC Housing & Economic Development Fund

The church helped seed a fund aimed to spur housing and economic development in New York City.

Industry News
Global Asset Mgr. Opens New Headquarters

The new headquarters will take advantage of a business-friendly environment and an important financial hub, according to the firm.

People Moves
Asset Manager Hires Fixed-Income Director

The asset manager has hired a director of fixed-income and a portfolio manager for its U.S. small-cap and small- to mid-cap investment team and promoted its director of ESF integration to director of ESG research and engagement.

People Moves
Fund Administrator Hires U.S. Real Estate Director

The director will lead the U.S. real estate funds business and all related operations.

People Moves
Wealth Mgmt. Firm Appoints Five Wealth Mgrs.

The team will be led by a former Merrill Lynch managing director and senior portfolio manager.

Industry News
Consultant Launches Sustainability Advisory Council

The advisory council seeks to measure and monitor investing beyond traditional impact investment or ESG integration.

People Moves
Midwest College Snags Venture Capital Mgr. Managing Partner

The college hired a director of investments to help oversee its endowment from a Northeastern venture capital manager.

Industry News
Professional Services Firm To Acquire Investment Mgmt. Technology & Data Firm

The transaction is expected to be completed in early 2023.
