
Surveys/Studies Equity Non-U.S. & Global Fixed-Income
Kansas City Foundation To Review Active Equity
The $496 million Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City will conduct a review of its active
Alternatives Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
DC Seeking Bank Loans; Approves New Asset Allocation
The $5.5 billion District of Columbia Retirement Board is in the midst of a bank loan manager
Surveys/Studies Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Pontiac General Makes Int'l Equity Change
The $450 million City of Pontiac (Mich.) General Employees’ Retirement System approved the hire of
Hedge Funds Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Ohio Plan Conducting Asset Study; Makes PE Hire
The $70.8 billion Ohio Public Employees Retirement System is in the midst of an asset/liability
Real Estate Alternatives Surveys/Studies
North Carolina Commits $1 Billion To Alternatives
The $82 billion North Carolina Retirement Systems has made nearly $1 billion in alternatives
Domestic Equity Surveys/Studies Manager-of-Managers
Seattle Maps Asset Allocation Review; Terminates Attucks
The $2 billion Seattle City Employees Retirement System has scheduled a timeline for its asset
Surveys/Studies Equity Non-U.S. & Global Fixed-Income
ISAC Approves Int'l Equity Structure
The Illinois Student Assistance Commission approved a new international equity structure
Real Estate Surveys/Studies
Iowa Regents Approves New Asset Allocation
The $489 million Iowa Board of Regents approved a new asset allocation during its Sept. 11
CalSTRS Shifts Long-Term Allocation Targets
The $170 billion California State Teachers’ Retirement System‘s investment committee has approved
Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies Equity
Georgia Fire Creates Global Bond, Emerging Markets Allocations
The $650 million Georgia Firefighters Pension Fund added new target allocations to global bonds and