
Domestic Equity Surveys/Studies
Austin Police Schedules IPS Review, Allocation Recommendations
The $566 million Austin (Texas) Police Retirement System is slated to review its investment policy
Real Estate Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Kentucky Approves Asset Allocation; Issues Real Estate RFP
The approximately $1 billion University of Kentucky endowment approved a new asset
Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies Real Assets
UBC Approves New Endowment Asset Allocation
The University of British Columbia approved a new asset allocation for its $1.2 billion
Real Estate Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
DFW Airport Readies Possible Asset Allocation Changes
The $444 million Dallas Fort Worth International Airport defined benefit pension plan board will
Domestic Equity Real Estate Alternatives
Saginaw Approves New Allocation, Manager Searches
The $119 million Saginaw (Mich.) Police & Fire Retirement System will search for passive domestic
Surveys/Studies Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Livonia Picks New Consultant
The $207 million Livonia (Mich.) Employees Retirement System has hired NEPC as its new general
Real Estate Surveys/Studies Real Assets
Southern Illinois Approves New Asset Allocation
The $103 million Southern Illinois University Foundation recently approved a revised asset
Hedge Funds Alternatives Surveys/Studies
CUNY Approves New Asset Allocation
The approximately $210 million City University of New York endowment approved a new target
Alternatives Surveys/Studies Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Pasadena F&P Funds New Allocation
The $144 million Pasadena (Calif.) Fire & Police Retirement System approved the hiring of PIMCO to
Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
Arkansas Teachers Reconfigures Asset Allocation
The $11.6 billion Arkansas Teacher Retirement System reclassified its real estate asset class and