Healthcare systems should reset investment expectations as the outlook for their diversified portfolios appears challenged despite many successfully navigating the most difficult financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to recent research.
Institutions should take a fresh look at financial and investment strategies to address challenges to their business models and maintain optimal asset allocations to meet a 7.5% historical return target, particularly in the face of a long-term era of muted returns, according to a recent study.
Institutional investors around the world are increasingly evaluating managers’ ESG integration in terms of demonstrable outcomes and want firms to show results of their ESG-integrated strategies, according to a recent survey.
Regulators must standardize and make public company reporting on ESG disclosure accessible in order for institutional investors to properly manage and account for impact in their investment portfolios, according to a recent report.
Investment managers will be increasingly judged on their client engagement and interaction as the industry continues to undergo a digital transformation brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to recent research.
Diversified and actively managed portfolios will be the best way for nonprofits to meet their spending needs in a continually challenging market environment over the next several years, according to a recent survey.
Despite growth stocks grabbing the headlines during the market surge following the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, fundamental value managers began to see more interest in the fourth quarter as the market started to shift.