
Industry News
U.S. Reps Release Endowment Diversity Report

Universities provided an estimate of total assets under management with diverse-owned firms.

Endowments’ Countercyclical Approach Boosts Endowment Returns: Report

Endowments typically invest countercyclically by decreasing active risky allocations during the run-up to a crisis, such as the Global Financial Crisis, and then increasing these allocations as risky asset prices fall following the start of a crisis, new research shows.

Private, Community Foundations Produce Best Returns Since 2009: Study

Private and community foundations posted their best returns of the decade in 2019, a year in which “just about everything worked,” according to a new study.

Meetings Continue Virtually As Firms Eye 2021 For Return To Offices, Business Travel, Survey Shows

The COVID-19 pandemic has not slowed down meetings despite the majority of asset managers not expecting to reopen offices until 2021 as firms continue to adapt to a virtual work-from-home environment, according to a new survey.

Universities Face Liquidity Challenges And Stress For The 2020 Fall Semester

Immediate stresses brought on by COVID-19 challenged colleges and universities and made them realize the potential impact on their operations and liquidity longer-term, according to new research.

Industry News
Asset Manager Financials Continue Slide In Q2

Asset manager financials remain fragile despite the second quarter market rebound, according to asset management strategy consultant Casey Quirk.

COVID-19 Travel Restrictions Slow Down Managers’ Sales Process, Impacts RFP Volume: Report

New research finds COVID-19 travel restrictions have slowed down the institutional sales process.

Endowments Underperform Passive Benchmark For 58 Years: Study

A new study found that the average endowment has underperformed the 60/40 benchmark for the past 58 years.

Large E&Fs With Higher Alts. Allocations Outperform Smaller Peers: Study

Larger endowments and foundations with greater than $1 billion in assets are enjoying better returns in aggregate than smaller institutions with less than $1 billion in assets as new research finds they can be attributed to a mix of asset allocation and manager selection decisions.

Industry News
Equity Gains Drive Positive Performance For F&Es During Second Quarter: Report

Foundations and endowments’ investment returns, primarily driven by the equity markets, rebounded in the second quarter but still lagged other institutional investors.
