
Extreme Risk Assessment: Adapt, Hedge And Ensure Diversified Investment Portfolios

Investors must be diligent in preparing against extreme risks and their potential for high impact on global economic growth and returns as non-financial risks take an increasingly significant role, a report shows.

Conference Coverage
F&Es Must Eliminate Biases In Governance And Investment Processes To Help Emerging Managers: Panel

Foundations and endowments need to eliminate biases in their governance and investment processes to unlock more opportunities for women and minority investment managers.

Conference Coverage
Private Investments May Do More Harm Than Good For Nonprofits: Session

Foundations and endowments may be their own worst enemy when it comes to investing in private equity and hedge funds.

Large Foundations Not Necessarily Better At Investing Than Small Foundations: Study

Outperformance from larger foundations does not in itself make them better or even much different investors than their smaller peers, according to a recent study.

Foundations Struggle Through 2018: Study

Negative 2018 investment returns as well as mixed spending and gift giving percentages present challenges for foundations, according to a recent study.

Sustainable Trends Report: More Allocated Capital, Financial Inclusion And Fintechs

Progress on sustainable investment solutions across the economy has been significant but there is still room for sustainability to grow as a meaningful part of the capital markets, a recent report shows.

Performance Leading Community Foundations To Shift From Alternatives, Reduce Spending: Survey

Foundations continue to shy away from alternative asset classes and have reduced spending in light of lower expected returns, according to a recent study from an investment consulting firm.

Impact Investments Projected For 2019 Growth: Survey

Impact investment capital and individual investments will see projected growth in the double-digits this year, according to a recent survey.

Healthcare Sector Sustains Optimistic Outlook For 2019 Economy

Healthcare systems have worked to reduce their exposure to alternatives on the heels of the volatility that impacted the market in the fourth quarter of 2018, according to a recent survey from an investment consulting firm.

Daily Feed
Hedge Funds Face Growing ESG Demand From Endowments, Foundations

Hedge fund managers face increasing demands from asset owners who covet improved ESG reporting standards and increased commitment to ESG, a new study finds.
