Outsourced cio usage is expected to “increase considerably’ over the next two years and nonprofit institutions are expected to adopt the discretionary model at the fastest rates, according to new research.
The National Association of College and University Business Officers and Commonfund have launched their latest study on higher education endowments, which will be published next year.
Community foundations dealing with rising interest rates and an economy that has “wobbled” over the last 18 months should revisit the role of alternatives, reconsider fixed-income and focus on costs to add stability and durability to their missions and address liquidity needs, according to a recent paper.
Managers need to target consulting firms that align with their business, upgrade their consultant relations team, embrace consultant databases and position themselves as though leaders to successfully master those relationships, according to a new report.
The institution was named as having the “Best Emerging Manager Program” based on an a survey of institutional clients of a global fintech platform, beating out large and prominent public pension plans and endowments.
FIrm’s businesses maintain climate risk assessment, ESG policies, employee engagement surveys, ceo sustainability and diversity and equity and inclusion goals.
Institutions are gravitating toward private markets following rising inflation and a volatile stock market in 2022 and the nonprofit segment anticipates increasing their usage of hedge funds, according to a new report.