
Hedge Funds Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Conn. Foundation Revises Asset Allocation; Adds Managers
The Community Foundation of Greater New Haven (Conn.) recently revised the asset allocation for its
Industry News Surveys/Studies
Saginaw Police Sending Assets To MERS; Fire May Follow Suit
The $125 million Saginaw (Mich.) Police & Fire Retirement System is in the process of moving the
Real Estate Alternatives Fixed-Income
Seattle Issues Infrastructure RFP; Approves Allocation Targets
The $2.4 billion Seattle City Employees Retirement System has issued an RFP for infrastructure
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Fixed-Income
Vermont Plan Mulls Own Investment Portfolio
The $158 million Burlington (Vt.) Employees Retirement System reviewed a potential timeline for
Industry News People Moves Domestic Equity
Spokane To Hear High Yield, Int'l Small-Cap Search Reports
The $285 million Spokane (Wash.) Employees’ Retirement System will hear high-yield fixed-income and
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Small-Cap
Butler Discusses Small/Mid-Cap Equity Structure; Selects Hedge Fund Mgrs.
Butler University‘s investment committee will weigh the pros and cons of moving to passive
Real Estate Alternatives Fixed-Income
Orange County Approves Non-Core Real Estate Search
The $12.6 billion Orange County (Calif.) Employees Retirement System has approved a non-core
Domestic Equity Surveys/Studies
Santa Barbara County Makes Low Volatility Manager Hires
The $2.5 billion Santa Barbara County (Calif.) Employees’ Retirement System has approved U.S. low
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
N.Y. Church To Increase Hedge Funds; Approves New IPS
The $375 million General Convention of the Episcopal Church (N.Y.) endowment may add a new hedge
Industry News People Moves Alternatives
Kentucky Slates Multi-Sector Credit Search; Executive Director To Retire
The $11.5 billion Kentucky Retirement Systems will conduct a multi-sector credit manager search