
Industry News Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
Nonprofits React To News of Gross Departure From PIMCO
Several nonprofit institutions are monitoring their investments with PIMCO following the departure
Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
Brock University Discusses Fixed Income
Brock University is investigating supplemental fixed-income investment strategies for its $75
Surveys/Studies Private Equity Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Mass. Plan Seeking PE Consultants; Public Markets, Asset Allocation Consultants Next
The $60.6 billion Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board has issued an RFP for
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Surveys/Studies
Newport News Adds Domestic Mid-Cap, Private Equity Allocations
The $830 million Newport News (Va.) Employees Retirement Fund approved target allocation changes in
People Moves Real Estate Hedge Funds
Harvard Management Company Revises Policy Targets for FY2015; Names Blyth As Mendillo Successor
Harvard Management Company (HMC) has increased allocations in private equity, real estate and
Real Estate Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Wright State To Discuss Non-Endowment Policy
Wright State University will look at adding structured credit and private real estate to its
Alternatives Surveys/Studies Equity
New Mexico Foundation Adjusts Asset Allocation
The Albuquerque Community Foundation approved a new asset allocation for its $58 million portfolio
Alternatives Surveys/Studies Real Assets
Texas Teachers Adds Maiden Risk Parity Allocation
The $130 billion Teacher Retirement System of Texas added a maiden 5% target to risk parity as part
Surveys/Studies Real Assets
Calif. County Eyes Infrastructure
The $2.3 billion Sonoma County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association is considering adding a
Surveys/Studies ESG
Cal to Review Asset Allocation; Approves $1B to Sustainable Investments
The University of California will review its long-term asset allocation targets at an upcoming