Asset Study/Review

Asset Study/Review
Nonprofits Veered Toward Equity Increases As Part Of 2024 A/A Changes

Several nonprofit institutions changed their asset allocations or investment policies this year, boosting allocations to private equity and public equities.

Asset Study/Review
Wisconsin Pension Adopts New Asset Allocation

The pension plan approved a new asset allocation for its Core Trust Fund this week.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Pension Eyeing Asset Allocation Tweaks

The retirement system also disclosed three new alternatives commitments at today’s meeting.

Asset Study/Review
Western Fund Approves New Strategic Asset Allocation

The newly approved asset allocation increases strategic targets to private equity and public income.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Foundation Revises Asset Allocation

The revisions see the foundation pivoting its investment portfolio further toward growth-oriented investments, including public and private equity.

West Coast Pension Discloses Alts Commitments

The plan’s consultant will also kick off an asset/liability modeling study this month.

Asset Study/Review
Southern University Revises A/A, Boosts Equity, HF Targets

The university moved its endowment toward private equity, U.S. equity, global equity and hedge funds, as part of a new investment policy statement approved at its November meeting.

Asset Study/Review
New England College Maintains Investment Strategy Despite Calls For Divestment & Disclosure

The decision comes despite pressures from students, staff and the larger university community regarding the investment and management of the portfolio.

Asset Study/Review
Florida Fire & Police Pension Discussing Asset Allocation

The plan’s options could range from minor tweaks to the addition of private equity and emerging markets equity allocations.

Private Equity
Southern City Pension Mulls Maiden Private Equity Allocation

The plan also approved conducting a search for a non-discretionary private markets consultant.
