Asset Study/Review

Calif. Pension Plan Slates Specialized Consultants RFP

The search will be conducted due to the upcoming contract expiration of incumbent Albourne.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Organizations Urge Healthcare Corporations To Release Investment Diversity Data

The organization requested data from leading nonprofit hospital corporations in the U.S. on how they utilize Black and other minority or women asset managers to handle their assets, which total nearly $300 billion.

Hedge Funds
Southwest Pension Adopts New Strategic A/A

The new asset allocation introduces a 6% target to hedge funds.

Midwest University Revises IPS Asset Allocation

The university has revised the investment policy statement for its investment portfolio, shifting its asset allocation toward domestic large-cap equities.

Private Equity
Northwest Pension Plan Approves PE Pacing; Places Mgrs. On Watch

The pension plan aims to commit $700 million to private equity next year and placed three managers on watch at its board meeting last week.

Private Equity
New England Pension Approves PE Commitment

The plan also approved liquidating its sole emerging market debt manager at a meeting today.

MRI/Social Investments
Mountain State Foundation Carves Out Impact Allocation Target

The foundation has established a target allocation for impact investments after deliberating on the subject since last year, when it invested in an impact fund.

Pacific Northwest Pension To Launch Consultant Search

The plan expects to launch the search in January as its incumbent’s contract is slated to expire on June 30.

Asset Study/Review
West Coast Foundation Considers A/A Changes

The foundation is proposing shifting its $642 million consolidated endowment fund toward private equity, domestic public equity and short-duration fixed-income.

Asset Study/Review
Southern University System To Receive A/A Recommendation

The institution expects to receive formal recommendations on asset allocation changes to its liquidity pool from its general investment consultant at a future board meeting.
