The foundation amended its asset allocation policy, removing its allocation to special purpose acquisition company assets, and added several commitments within its endowment during its second quarter investment committee meeting.
The fund expects to hear a recommendation to fully redeem a short-duration fixed-income investment in its operating pool and redeploy the assets among existing managers within its long-term pool.
The fund approved restructuring its real estate portfolio in favor of a core-satellite portfolio with a core mandate and two to three satellite managers and also added two 130/30 managers to create a market cap and style neutral portfolio structure.
The healthcare system is working on sustainable investment guidelines after reviewing sustainability scores on current investments in the first quarter and evaluating future opportunities.
The university has committed to avoid direct investments in fossil fuel companies and will not seek out or renew private funds investing in fossil fuels after previously rejecting fossil fuel divestment in 2016.
The university established new investment lineups with new and existing managers for its 457(b) and 403(b) plans following a review from its general investment consultant and a retirement advisory committee.
The university is conducting a review of its asset allocations alongside its general investment consultant as it typically conducts a study every three years.
The system expects to conduct a review of the investment policy for its reserve pool, non-reserve short-term pool and non-reserve long-term pool this fall.
The 529 plan’s general investment consultant will conduct an asset allocation study this fall as it has been a few years since a review has been conducted.
The fund revised its target asset allocation at its board meeting last week, increasing its exposure to fixed-income and private debt at the expense of real estate and global tactical asset allocation.