Asset Study/Review

Southeast Pension Fund Eliminates GTAA Allocation

The plan opted to liquidate its 10% allocation and reallocate the proceeds to fixed-income.

Asset Study/Review
Western Fund Revises Investment Policy Statement

The fund revised the investment policy statement and asset allocation for its portfolio in the second quarter, consolidating its private real estate and private real assets allocations.

Bank Loan
Mid-Atlantic Pension Plan Adds Bank Loans Allocation

The plan also upped its infrastructure target as part of asset allocation changes approved last quarter.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Fund Considers IPS Revisions

The fund may consider revising its investment policy statement and asset allocation following discussions with its general investment consultant at its August board meeting.

Asset Study/Review
Philadelphia University Boosts Private Equity, Real Asset Targets Following A/A Review

The university has increased its targets to private equity and real assets at the expense of global equity and marketable alternatives to improve its portfolio’s return and risk profile.

Asset Study/Review
Great Plains Board To Receive 130/30, HF Recommendations After Approving New A/A

The fund expects to receive recommendation from staff and its general investment consultant to hire extended equity 130/30 and multi-strategy hedge fund managers after approving a new asset allocation at its July board meeting.

Asset Study/Review
New England College Allocating More To PE/VC, Adjusts A/A

The college increased its endowment toward private equity and venture capital and increased its long-term ranges to the asset class for a second consecutive year.

Asset Study/Review
East Coast Plan Adds Maiden Private Markets Allocation

The plan’s new private markets allocation will consist of one-third private equity, one-third private debt and one-third real estate/real assets.

Midwest State Pension To Issue High-Yield Bond, REIT RFPs

The searches are part of an implementation plan following approval of a new asset allocation in May.

West Coast University Divests Energy Assets

A university based on the West Coast has completed divesting its endowment from fossil fuels after five years.
