Asset Study/Review

Great Plains Fund Considering Hiring Bond Overlay Mgr., Revising A/A

The fund will consider hiring an overlay manager to synthetically replicate its public credit benchmark and policy index after holding a second reading and considering adopting proposed changes to its investment policy statement and strategic asset allocation.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Endowment Reviews Asset Allocations, To Consider At Future Meeting

The fund received three potential asset allocation mixes from its general investment consultant last month and will further review and potentially adopt a new asset mix at its August board meeting.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Midwest Pension Board Terminates Equity Mgrs.; Approves PE Commitment

The board was notified of two recent equity manager terminations and a new private equity commitment.

Asset Study/Review
West Coast Plan Revises A/A, Ups Fixed-Income Target

The organization revised its target asset allocation last week, boosting its target to fixed-income at the expense of REITs, which is expected to result in the liquidation of an exchange traded fund.

Real Estate
Midwest Plan To Fund RE Mgr. Hire; Adopts New Asset Allocation

The plan approved a new real estate manager structure that factored in the implementation of a recent manager hire and adopted a new asset allocation last month.

Texas Plan Slates Global Growth Equity Mgr. Interviews; Adopts New Equity Structure

The plan expects to hold finalist interviews in September as part of an ongoing manager search and approved changes to its equity manager target allocations yesterday.

North Dakota Fire Plan Makes Maiden Fixed-Income Hire; Adopts New A/A

The pension plan hired a manager to implement its maiden 7% target to domestic fixed-income as part of a new asset allocation policy in March.

Rocky Mountain Pension Plan Hires Fixed-Income Mgr.

The pension plan hired a multi-sector fixed-income manager to replace a core-plus manager in March.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Illinois Pension Slates International Equity RFP

The plan will issue an RFP for ACWI ex-U.S. managers in the coming weeks.

Asset Study/Review
Great Plains Fund To Receive Education On New Strategy

The fund will receive an education on a potential new strategy from its general investment consultant in July as it also looks to approve a new investment policy statement and strategic asset allocation.
