The fund will hold a first reading of proposed changes to its investment policy statement and strategic asset allocation, including increased allocations to fixed-income and hedge funds, at its June 29 board meeting.
The foundation recently revised the target asset allocation for its investment portfolio, shifting it toward domestic and developed market equities at the expense of emerging market stocks, and retained its outsourced cio provider.
The program is looking to incorporate ESG and DEI language into its investment policy statement in the third quarter to improve representation of underrepresented communities in fund management and the underlying funds within its portfolio.
The fund approved a new long-term strategic asset allocation for its endowments, increasing its private equity target 5% to raise expected returns and leverage the unique cash flow attributes of the portfolios.
The system will introduce a target to rebalancing leverage as part of a new long-term asset allocation policy for its defined benefit plans and hired a record keeper on behalf of its eight defined contribution plans yesterday.