Asset Study/Review

Asset Study/Review
Northeast Pension Fund Slates New A/A Approval

The plan is scheduled to approve a new target asset allocation at its meeting on Tuesday.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Fund Adopts New Long-Term Strategic Asset Allocation

The fund approved a new long-term strategic asset allocation for its endowments, increasing its private equity target 5% to raise expected returns and leverage the unique cash flow attributes of the portfolios.

Asset Study/Review
Northwest Pension Plan Approves New A/A, Private Debt Commitment

The new fiscal year 2024 asset allocation policy will increase the fixed-income targets for four of the plan’s systems.

Asset Study/Review
Mid-Atlantic Retirement System Adopts New Long-Term A/A; Hires DC Record Keeper

The system will introduce a target to rebalancing leverage as part of a new long-term asset allocation policy for its defined benefit plans and hired a record keeper on behalf of its eight defined contribution plans yesterday.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
West Coast Pension To Review Int’l Equity Structure

The review may lead to replacement searches for two incumbent managers.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Fund Considering New Strategic A/A Targets

The fund will consider new 2024 fiscal year strategic asset allocations that would increase its allocations to private equity and directional hedge funds, among other asset classes.

Credit/Private Debt
Rocky Mountain Plan Makes Maiden Private Debt Hire; Adopts New A/A

The plan hired a manager to implement its maiden 3% target to private debt as part of a new asset allocation policy in March.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Plan Approves New Asset Allocation Targets

The new asset allocation includes slight increases to several portfolios.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Fund Revises Investment Policy, Permits Investments In Privately Placed Securities

The fund approved a revision to its investment policy statement to lift its prohibition of privately placed securities as requested by one its international large-cap equity managers and recommended by its general investment consultant.

Southern Endowment Expected To Notify Firm Of Ban From State Contracts

The fund is expected to notify one of its managers of its placement on the state’s initial list of 13 financial institutions that are banned from state contracts due to their boycotts of fossil fuel companies or failure to reply to a questionnaire.
