Asset Study/Review

Asset Study/Review
Midwest University Conducting Asset Allocation Study

The university is conducting an asset allocation study to assess its risk profile and asset allocation targets.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Plan To Disclose Investment Mgr. Diversity

The nonprofit has been gathering diversity statistics on its managers for years but has not publicly disclosed the figures yet.

Mid-Atlantic Foundation Building Out Private Investments Portfolio

The foundation is looking to build out its private investments over the coming years after revising its target asset allocation and significantly increasing allocations to several alternative asset classes in fiscal year 2022.

Asset Study/Review
Congress Requests Penn Share Information On Endowment’s Foreign Holdings

A congressional committee is looking into the Ivy League school’s potential holdings with entities deemed to be foreign adversaries.

Western Education System To Review Outsourced CIO Relationship

The system will review its relationship with its outsourced cio during its March 31 investment committee meeting and consider either extending the firm’s contract for an additional one-year period or directing staff to initiate an RFP process.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
West Coast Foundation Eyes Diverse Mgrs., Approves New ‘Racial Equity Lens’ For IPS

The foundation is looking to add new diverse managers to its portfolio after adopting a new investment policy statement incorporating a racial equity lens.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Plan Sets New Asset Allocation

The plan increased its target to international equity at the expense of long/short equity.

Asset Study/Review
East Coast Plan Plotting Transition Progress

Plan continues working toward executing a transition of assets away from the state fund.

Asset Study/Review
Rocky Mountain Plan Adopts New Asset Allocation

The new policy will help the plan achieve an expected return of 7.25% over the next 10 years.

Asset Study/Review
Mid-Atlantic Plan Adopts New A/A

The recommendation stems from general investment consultant NEPC’s most recent asset class assumptions.
