Asset Study/Review

Asset Study/Review
Mid-Atlantic Plan Adopts New A/A

The recommendation stems from general investment consultant NEPC’s most recent asset class assumptions.

Midwest Plan Eyes Small-Cap, Multi-Asset Credit Searches

Plan staff is considering searches in small-cap equity and multi-asset credit searches later in 2023.

Asset Study/Review
Southeast Plan Adopts New Asset Allocation

The plan added a 3% target to global infrastructure as part of a new asset allocation that was adopted yesterday.

Asset Study/Review
California Plan To Reconsider A/A Changes

The plan agreed to reconsider asset allocation changes originally approved last month at a future meeting.

Credit/Private Debt
Windy City Plan Adds Maiden Credit Allocation

Plan added a 3% target to private credit as part of broader asset allocation changes approved today.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Fund Reviewing Mgr. Over Energy Stances

The fund is reviewing its relationship with a firm that handles private energy, international equity and emerging markets mandates after the state comptroller directed entities to divest their existing holdings from financial companies that boycott energy companies.

Private Equity
Southern Education System Adopts New A/A, Makes PE Commitment

The fund approved a new asset allocation for its portfolio as well as a private equity commitment to an existing manager relationship at its special board meeting last month.

Credit/Private Debt
Calif. City Plan Hires Multi-Asset Credit Managers

The plan hired five multi-asset credit managers today as part of its previously approved return-seeking fixed-income structure.

Private Equity
Florida Plan Makes Maiden PE Commitment, Secondaries On Deck

The plan made the commitment alongside approving a 3% target to the asset class at today’s board meeting.

Small- to Mid-Cap
Conn. Plan Monitoring Smid-Cap Growth Manager

The firm is being monitored due to performance and recent personnel turnover.
