Asset Study/Review

Mid-Atlantic Plan Eliminates Internal Global REIT Allocation

The plan eliminated its $1.4 billion internally managed global REIT allocation to meet the objective of its real assets portfolio.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest University Considering Target Allocation Changes

The university will consider revising the target asset allocation for its model portfolio, including increasing the allocations to venture capital and private equity and natural resources, this week.

Asset Study/Review
Northwest State Plan Eliminates Risk Parity Portfolio

The elimination will affect three managers that handle a total of more than $1.7 billion.

Searches And Hires
Northwest Fund Discloses Commitments

The plan disclosed $1.1 billion in total commitments with three new managers and ten existing managers in the fiscal first quarter.

Texas Plan Slates 2023 Pacing Plans

Plan will review proposed 2023 pacing plans for four portfolios at Thursday’s board meeting.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Fund Approves Asset Transfer, First A/A

The fund approved transferring the assets of its three portfolios effective Jan. 1 alongside its first investment policy for the combined pool of assets at its November board meeting.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Health System Postpones Review Of New IPS, A/A

The health system was slated to review a new investment policy statement with a revised target asset allocation at its Nov. 30 meeting, however, the meeting was postponed due to a lack of quorum.

Mid-Atlantic Plan Mulls Eliminating Global REITs; Discloses Infrastructure Commitment

The plan will consider eliminating its global REITs allocation for liquidity purposes and disclosed a commitment to an existing infrastructure manager today.

MRI/Social Investments
Southern Foundation Slates New Donation For Impact Investment Portfolio

The foundation is planning to utilize a new donation for its health-focused impact investment portfolio.

New England Institution Adds Fixed-Income Fund, Rebalances Endowment

The institution added a floating rate fixed-income fund within its short-term pool and reduced its investment with a hedge fund manager to fund increased domestic equity and international equity investments within its endowment.
