Asset Study/Review

West Coast University Divesting From Fossil Fuels

The university is looking to divest direct and indirect fossil fuel investments and reinvest in clean energy solutions.

Hedge Funds
Midwest University Considering Adding Portable Alpha Portfolio

The university is considering adding a portable alpha allocation within one of its investment pools to diversify return exposures.

Colo. Authority Makes Maiden Alts. Commitments

The plan committed $12 million total to its new private equity and private credit asset classes.

Industry News
Mid-Atlantic University’s Female & Minority Representation Remains Relatively Static: Report

The diversity of the university’s endowment remains static year-over-year despite the addition of five new U.S.-based managers and the elimination of two other firms, according to a new report.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Plan Adds Maiden Commodities Target

The plan added a 2% maiden target following an asset/liability study last month.

Private Equity
Southern Plan Adds Maiden Private Equity Target

The plan will also eliminate its long/short equity portfolio.

Calif. County Approves Non-Core FI Targets, Credit Commitment

The plan increased its private credit target and added a commitment within the non-core fixed-income portfolio yesterday.

Credit/Private Debt
Rocky Mountain Plan Eyes Credit Manager Hires; Reviews RE Portfolio

The plan is in the process of filling its 5% private credit target and conducting a real estate portfolio structure review.

Asset Study/Review
West Coast Religious Order Alters A/A; Adds RE Manager

The religious institution adjusted the targets for its investment fund and socially responsible investment fund.

West Coast Plan Considers New Equity Manager Hires

A plan based on the West Coast is consideration the addition of active equity managers as part of shift in portfolio structure.
