Asset Study/Review

Asset Study/Review
Southern 529 Plan Eliminates Equity Exposure As Part Of New IPS

College savings plan will exclusively invest in fixed-income and cash after eliminating its equity exposure late last month.

Asset Study/Review
Northwest Plan Adjusts Portfolio Targets Following Asset Study

A state trust updated the target asset allocation for one of its portfolios, increasing its targets toward domestic and international equities.

Asset Study/Review
West Coast Plan Considering PE Asset Class

Consideration of private equity comes as part of an asset allocation study expected for review this week.

Domestic Equity
Southern Plan Restructures Public Equity Portfolio; Terminates 2 Active Mgrs.

The restructuring will next eliminate three more managers next month.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest University Revises A/A

The institution increased its allocation to venture capital and domestic equity allocations last week through target reductions to diversifying investments, international developed equity and emerging markets equity.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Western University Advances 18 Firms From Diverse Mgr. Meeting Initiative

The university is conducting a further review of 18 diverse firms after meeting with 100 managers across public and private asset classes in the first half of 2022 as it looks to invest at least $2 billion with diverse investment firms.

Rocky Mountain Plan Eliminates Long-Term Gov’t Bonds Target

Plan approved a new asset allocation policy that addresses the current marketplace.

Asset Study/Review
Western University Weighs Fossil Fuel Divestment, New Clean Energy Allocation

A university based on the West Coast is considering a clean energy allocation and fossil fuel divestment.

Midwest University Discloses Private Commitments

The institution made the bevy of commitments with existing managers within its long-term portfolio between October and January.

Northeast Plan Approves Private Commitments; A/A Changes

The plan approved new credit, venture capital and real estate commitments as well as several changes to its target asset allocation last week.
