Asset Study/Review

Asset Study/Review
Midwest 529 Adds U.S. Small-Cap, Core Bond Investment Options

A Midwestern college savings trust authority has adjusted the underlying fund investment options for two of its plans, adding small-cap equity, emerging markets equity, core bond and real estate options.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Diocese To Update IPS Following New Advisor Hire

An episcopal diocese in the Midwest will update its investment policy this spring after selecting a new investment advisor in late 2021.

Asset Study/Review
Midwestern Board Updates IPS

A board in the Midwest approved changes to its investment policy statement including new permitted investments at its meeting last month.

Massachusetts Plan Retains LCG Manager         

Plan rehired its incumbent domestic large-cap growth equity manager following a search conducted by its consultant.

Real Estate
New England Plan Slates Value-Add RE Finalist Interviews

Plan will hear presentations from four value-add real estate finalists at next month’s board meeting.

Asset Study/Review
Colo. City Adopts New A/A

The new policy increases the plan’s equity targets and reduces its fixed-income target.

Southern 529 Considering New Investment Strategies

A 529 plan in the South may consider recommendations to add high-yield fixed-income and emerging market fixed-income strategies at its meeting next week.

Private Equity
Midwest Plan Discloses PE Commitments

The plan disclosed three private equity commitments with existing managers today.

Asset Study/Review
Northeastern College Updates 403(b) Retirement Plan, Adds Investment Options

College consolidated existing contracts into one retirement plan account.

Asset Study/Review
Southern University Adjusts A/A; Adds PE Commitments

A university in the South revised the target asset allocation for its endowment fund, increasing its target to private equity, at its investment committee meeting this month.
