Asset Study/Review

Bank Loan
West Coast Plan Adds Bank Loan Strategy As Part Of A/A Changes

A plan based on the West Coast added a bank loan strategy as part of the adoption of a new asset allocation last month.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest University Considering New A/A

A university based in the Midwest is considering a new asset allocation for its endowment that would increase its exposure to private equity.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Foundation Adjusts A/A

A foundation based in the Midwest recently adjusted its asset allocation targets, shifting toward equity and away from fixed-income.

Asset Study/Review
Virginia Plan Approves A/A Shift, Commitments

A Virginia-based pension plan shifted assets from its private credit portfolio and added two commitments at its board meeting yesterday.

Asset Study/Review
New England University To Conduct A/A In 2022

A university based in New England will conduct an asset allocation study next spring as part of its 2022 work plan.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Midwest Foundation Developing Diverse-Owned Manager Strategy

A foundation based in the Midwest is developing a strategy to include more diverse-owned investment managers within its portfolio.

E&Fs Can Optimize Portfolio Construction To Offset Ongoing Challenges: Report

Endowments and foundations can optimize their portfolio construction approaches in order to bridge the gap caused by portfolio challenges related to rising interest rates, inflation and muted return expectations, according to a new report.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Plan Delays Asset Allocation Discussion

The plan has delayed further discussion on its asset allocation until its consultant can present in person.

Asset Study/Review
Southern University To Consider PE Commitments, HF Redemptions

A university in the South will consider making three private equity commitments and redeeming from two hedge fund managers within its endowment this week.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Great Plains Fund Considering Replacing EME, Int’l Equity Managers

A fund based in the Great Plains region will consider replacing two emerging markets equity managers and an international small-cap equity manager at its board meeting today.
