Asset Study/Review

Asset Study/Review
Western Plan Approves A/A For New Higher Education Trust Fund

The plan approved an asset allocation for a newly created Higher Education Trust Fund during a board meeting in the second quarter.

Asset Study/Review
West Coast Pension Establishes Four New Asset Classes

The plan adopted a new asset allocation that also eliminated risk parity and more than doubled its hedge fund target this week.

New England College Decides Against Divestment Proposal

The college’s board of trustees decided against a proposal to divest from companies that sell weapons or materiel to the Israel Defense Forces following months of educations and deliberation from an advisory committee.

Hedge Funds
Calif. Pension Fills New Hedge Fund Allocation

Plan liquidated its 5% risk parity allocation in March and reallocated the target to hedge funds, a new allocation for the plan.

Asset Study/Review
West Coast Pension Approves New Asset Allocation

The plan’s investment committee initially received an asset/liability education in May.

Asset Study/Review
New England Pension Adopts New Asset Allocation

The retirement fund adopted the new targets after receiving an asset allocation study at a meeting this week.

Midwest University Considers Politically Neutral Endowment Policy

The university has begun the process of reviewing a resolution that would limit basing investment decisions on political and social events unrelated to the university in response to campus pressure to divest from companies involved with the Hamas-Israel armed conflict.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Fund To Review A/A

The fund will review the asset allocation for its portfolio later this year, including changes to targets and the addition of new asset classes, as capital market assumptions have changed significantly since a review was last conducted in 2021.

Real Estate
California Pension Approves Real Estate Pacing Plan

The pension plan approved a fiscal year 2025 real estate investment plan on Friday that calls for $240 million in total commitments to the asset class.

Rocky Mountain Pension Hires Credit, PE FoF Managers

The pension plan hired a private debt manager and a private equity fund-of-funds manager to each handle 2% allocations in February.
