Asset Study/Review

Asset Study/Review
Southern University Considering Maiden Allocations

A university in the South will consider maiden allocations to global equity, private debt, Treasuries/TIPS and diversified fixed-income at a special workshop prior to its next committee meeting in the third quarter.

Asset Study/Review
Northeast Plan Approves New A/A, Index Providers

The plan approved a new asset allocation as well as new index fund providers at a board meeting today.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Calif. Plan To Conduct Emerging Mgr. Program Searches; Approves New A/A

The plan agreed to advance two emerging manager program RFPs and implement a new asset allocation yesterday.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Trust Fund Approves New A/A

A trust fund in the south approved a new target asset allocation including a maiden allocation to hedge funds at its first quarter board meeting.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Fund Moves Toward Equities, Alternatives As Part Of A/A Changes

A fund based in the Midwest approved increasing its targets to public equities and alternatives earlier this week following a recommendation from its general investment consultant.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest University Considering Internally Managed Equity Portfolio, Int’l Equity, RE Investments

A university in the Midwest will consider allowing investment staff to manage a direct equity portfolio as well as potential international equity and real estate investments at its meeting today.

Asset Study/Review
West Coast University Updates A/A For Investment Pool

A university on the West Coast updated the strategic asset allocation for an endowment pool as part of changes to the investment policy statement last week.

Real Assets
Southern Plan To Kick-Off Real Asset Mgr. Searches; Terminates Equity Mgr.

The plan agreed to move forward with real asset manager searches and terminate a domestic large-cap core equity manager at today’s board meeting.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Plan Adds Private Equity, Debt Allocations

A Midwestern public safety plan approved a new asset allocation policy that introduces maiden private equity and private debt targets at yesterday’s board meeting.

Asset Study/Review
Northeast Plan Approves New Asset Allocation

The plan approved a new asset allocation last month and will review potential implementation recommendation in the months ahead.
