Asset Study/Review

Private Equity
Midwest Foundation Adds Private Equity Commitment

A foundation based in the Midwest has approved a new private equity commitment.

Great Plains Institution Added ESG-Provision To Investment Policy

A university based in the Great Plains region approved a new provision in its investment policy to allow the consideration of ESG factors when investing its endowment holdings.

Asset Study/Review
New York Institution To Review A/A Targets

An institution in New York will conduct an asset allocation review for its investment portfolio in May.

Northern 529 Plan Adds Social Impact Equity Option

A plan based in a Northern state is offering a new fund option to participants.

Asset Study/Review
Calif. Plan Approves Real Estate Search

A California plan agreed to initiate a real estate search following approval of a new asset allocation policy yesterday.

Midwest Plan Adds Maiden Infrastructure Allocation

A Midwestern pension plan added a new infrastructure target as part of a new real assets structure recommended by its investment committee.

Midwest College Incorporates ESG Factors Into Investment Process, Adds ESG Manager

A college in the Midwest has begun incorporating ESG considerations into its investment policy and hired an investment manager with a strategy built around ESG factors.

Midwest University Governing Board Adds Mid-Cap Fund To Retirement Plan Lineup

The governing board of a Midwest university system replaced one fund for another in its retirement plans investment lineup.

Absolute Return
Calif. Plan Restructures Absolute Return Portfolio; Hires Overlay Provider

A California plan restructured its absolute return portfolio and hired an overlay services provider at yesterday’s board meeting.

MRI/Social Investments
Midwest University To Divest From Fossil Fuels

A university based in the Midwest announced it will divest its endowment from investments in fossil fuel companies over the next decade.
