Asset Study/Review

Endowments Must Explore Non-Core Positions To Meet Targeted Returns Amid Uncertain Market Environment: Study

Institutions should take a fresh look at financial and investment strategies to address challenges to their business models and maintain optimal asset allocations to meet a 7.5% historical return target, particularly in the face of a long-term era of muted returns, according to a recent study.

Asset Study/Review
Mid-Atlantic Foundation Updates AA

A foundation in the Mid-Atlantic region expanded its asset allocation range for real assets and increased its range for alternatives or non-traditional assets as part of changes to its investment policy statement last year.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest University Considers Allocation Changes

A university based in the Midwest is considering changes to its asset allocation targets.

Asset Study/Review
Florida Employees Plan Adjusts Allocation Targets; To Discuss Small-Cap Growth Manager

The plan made minor increases to equity at the expense of fixed-income at its meeting yesterday.

New England University Prohibits Direct Coal, Tar Sands Company Investments

A university in New England has updated its investment policy to prohibit direct investments in coal and tar sands companies and launched an impact investment initiative.

Asset Study/Review
Western Fund Reviews Global Equity Portfolio Structure

A fund based in the West received a global equity portfolio structure analysis from its general investment consultant last month.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest University Revises Target AA

A university based in the Midwest has revised its asset allocation, increasing allocations to alternative assets at the expense of bonds and commodities.

Hedge Funds
Rocky Mountain Plan Liquidates HFoF Investment; Increases Equities Exposure

A Rocky Mountain pension plan liquidated a hedge fund-of-funds investment and moved the assets to existing global equity managers at a board meeting last week.

Asset Study/Review
Mid-Atlantic Plan Adds New Asset Class

The plan added a new asset class after receiving an updated asset class assumption report.

Northeastern University Updates Investment Policy On Fossil Fuel Investments

A university in the Northeast will not directly invest in publicly traded oil and gas companies “for the foreseeable future” as part of adjustments to its investment policy approved last month.
