Asset Study/Review

Asset Study/Review
New England Plan Tweaks Asset Allocation

The plan amended its strategic asset allocation targets and added a new asset class at a meeting today.

Bank Loan
Texas Hoses Plan Tweaks Asset Allocation

Plan added a floating rate public debt target as part of asset allocation changes approved at this month’s board meeting.

Religious Institution Conducting ESG Manager Review

A religious order is conducting a review of its investment managers on key ESG issues such as climate-related risks and opportunities as well as racial and gender equity.

New England Foundation Developing Sustainable Investment Strategy

A foundation based in New England is creating a sustainable investment strategy before a top staff departs later this year.

Credit/Private Debt
Southern University Updates AA, Creates Credit/Distressed Target

A university in the south updated its asset allocation, including creating a new credit/distressed opportunities allocation, last year.

Windy City Plan To Consider Small-Cap Core RFP

Potential domestic small-cap core equity search would come in a decision to move away from a small-cap value manager.

Private Equity
Southern Fund To Receive Education On Potential Maiden Asset Classes

A fund based in the South will receive educations on two potential new asset classes at its next board meeting in the second quarter from its general investment consultant.

Asset Study/Review
Southern University Increases U.S. Equity Allocation; Adds PE, Absolute Return Investments

A university in the South increased its domestic equity target last year at the expense of its international equity, absolute return and long/short allocations.

Healthcare Systems Should Reset Investment Outlook Amidst Low Bond Yields, Muted Returns: Report

Healthcare systems should reset investment expectations as the outlook for their diversified portfolios appears challenged despite many successfully navigating the most difficult financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to recent research.  

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Midwest Plan Concludes EMD Search; Reviews A/A Options

The plan disclosed the hire of a new emerging market debt manager at today’s board meeting.
