Asset Study/Review

Asset Study/Review
Western College Changes Outsourced CIOs; Updates A/A

A college in the West hired a new outsourced cio provider to handle its endowment in July.

Asset Study/Review
New England University Revises Asset Allocation; Makes RE Redemptions

A university in New England approved a new target asset allocation with an increased allocation to private investments for its endowment last month.

Illinois Plan Makes Private Infrastructure Commitment; Slates Asset/Liability Study

The pension fund invested $100 million in a renewable power fund at its investment committee meeting yesterday.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Fund To Receive AA Study

A fund based in the South will receive an asset allocation study on a sub-portfolio from its general investment consultant next month.

Credit/Private Debt
Midwest Plan Launches Opportunistic Credit Search

A Midwestern employees pension plan has issued an opportunistic credit manager RFP after increasing its target allocation to private credit last month.

Hedge Funds
Eastern Plan Discloses Hedge Fund & Alt. Risk Premia Commitments

An Eastern state plan disclosed several commitments as part of its initial allocation to alternative risk premia.

Western Fund Increases Targets To Global Equity, Private Investments As Part Of AA Changes

A Western fund will focus on building out its global equity allocation after increasing it alongside its private investment allocation last week.

Credit/Private Debt
Midwest University Approves New Investment Policy

A university based in the Midwest adjusted its investment policy to allow future increases to its private debt allocations last month.

MRI/Social Investments
Mid-Atlantic University Committee Begins Exploring Divestment Feasibility

A university based in the Mid-Atlantic region has launched a new committee to investigate the feasibility of divesting its endowment of fossil fuels

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Plan Approves New Asset Allocation Policy

A Midwestern plan approved a new asset allocation policy at its investment committee/board meeting today that will help maintain its long-term expected returns.
