Asset Study/Review

Mid-Atlantic County Tables Infrastructure Allocation Decision

A Mid-Atlantic county pension plan has tabled a decision on a maiden infrastructure allocation until next quarter.

Searches And Hires
Southern Fund Approves New Asset Allocation

A Southern based fund approved a new asset allocation in June.

Asset Study/Review
Michigan Plan Tweaks Asset Allocation

A Michigan pension plan cut its target asset allocation to hedge funds in half and redirected the assets to U.S. equity at today’s board meeting.

Asset Study/Review
Northeast University Revises Asset Allocation

A university in the Northeast has revised its policy portfolio asset allocation as part of changes to its investment policy.

Understanding Risk, Generating Income Important For Diversifying Portfolios: Report

Investors can achieve their income goals and diversify their portfolio across different opportunities by having a broader understanding of the risks that they are taking, according to new research.

Credit/Private Debt
Southern Trust Fund To Consider Direct Lending RFP

A trust fund based in a Southern state will consider approving the issuance of an RFP for direct lending managers this month.

Asset Study/Review
Mid-Atlantic University Revises AA

A Mid-Atlantic-based university approved a new asset allocation framework as part of changes to its investment policy statement in the first quarter.

Asset Study/Review
Western University Revises A/A As Part of IPS Changes

A Western university revised the target asset allocations for its endowment and total return investment pool as part of changes to its investment policy statements last week.

Searches And Hires
West Coast Transportation Plan Eyes New PE, Treasury Asset Classes

A West Coast transportation plan will conduct multiple manager searches as a result of a new asset allocation.

Northeast Plan Bolsters Alternatives Portfolios

A Northeastern pension plan added three new alternatives commitments and made some modest target allocation changes at this week’s meeting.
