Asset Study/Review

Midwest Religious Order Integrating Climate Change Mitigation Into Investments

A Midwestern religious order is excluding energy-related holdings from its domestic equity investments and applying a “low carbon tilt” to its overall portfolio.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest 529 Plan Adjusts Asset Allocation

A 529 plan in a Midwestern state adjusted its asset allocation targets last week.

Domestic Equity
Florida Plan Approves New Public Market Portfolio Structure

A Florida pension plan has approved a new public market portfolio structure that will see the elimination of five existing active managers as part of changes aimed at reducing duplication and increasing liquidity and reduce fees.

Asset Study/Review
Midwestern University Revises Target A/A

A university based in a Midwestern state revised the target asset allocation for its endowment as part of changes to its investment policy statement in April.

Western College Savings Plan Revises IPS

A Western college savings plan updated its investment policy statement to allow two new allowable investments earlier this year.

Western Hospital Revises IPS With New Permissible Investments

A Western hospital revised its investment policy statement with new permissible investments in alternatives last month.

Hedge Funds
Eastern Plan Eyes Hedge Fund & Alt. Risk Premia Commitments

An Eastern state plan received several hedge fund and alternative risk premia investment recommendations last month.

Great Lakes Plan Discloses Commitments; Slates A/L Study Review

A state pension plan in the Great Lakes region disclosed first quarter alternatives commitments and is scheduled to review the results of an asset/liability study next week.

Credit/Private Debt
Midwest Plan Adds New Private Debt Allocation & Commitment

A Midwestern plan added a new private debt allocation and commitment at its board meeting yesterday.

Western State Fund Launches Core Fixed-Income Search

A trust fund in a Western state has launched a search for an active core fixed-income manager.
