A Midwestern plan added a new private debt allocation and commitment at its board meeting yesterday.
A trust fund in a Western state has launched a search for an active core fixed-income manager.
A university based in New England increased its policy allocation to private equity last year.
A 529 plan in a Southern state recently opted for a more conservative asset allocation.
A Midwestern state plan has modified its asset allocation last week.
A Mid-Atlantic university’s ESG task force will present a recommendation to divest its endowment of fossil fuel investments next month.
A Midwestern university governing board has altered its retirement plan’s investment lineup.
A Calif.-based pension plan will hire a new general investment consultant after narrowing its search to three finalists.
A Midwestern plan revised its asset allocation targets for fiscal year 2021 at today’s board meeting.
A university based in New England has approved a new global equity allocation.