Asset Study/Review

University System Revises Investment Policy Statement

A university system has revised its investment policy statement to include a new alternatives asset class allocation and increased target allocation ranges to equities.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest University Revises Asset Allocation

A Midwestern university adapted a new asset allocation mix last month.

Alpha Capital Mgmt., Nasdaq Launch Outsourced CIO Indices, Release Q4 Results

Alpha Capital Management and Nasdaq created a suite of indices that measure the performance of outsourced cios.

Asset Study/Review
Southern 529 Plan Adds Investment Portfolio Options

A 529 plan in a Southern state has added two investment portfolio options.

MRI/Social Investments
Mid-Atlantic University Divests Endowment Of Public Fossil Fuel Investments

A Mid-Atlantic university recently divested all of its public fossil fuel investments from its endowment.

Asset Study/Review
New England University Revises Asset Allocation; Makes Equity Investment

A New England-based university revised the target asset allocation for its endowment last month.

MRI/Social Investments
New England University Sets Path To Transition Endowment To Greenhouse Gas Neutrality

A New England-based university will transition its endowment to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

MRI/Social Investments
Canadian University To Remove Investments In Carbon-Intensive Companies

A Canadian university will accelerate the responsible decarbonization of its investment pool through the removal of investments in highly carbon-intensive companies.

Asset Study/Review
Florida Pension Adds Emerging Markets Equity; Increases Private Credit

A Florida-based employees pension plan approved a new asset allocation at its board meeting yesterday.

Asset Study/Review
West Coast Plan Approves New Asset Allocation

A West Coast county pension plan approved a new asset allocation at its investment committee meeting yesterday.
