A Western trust is considering asset allocation changes across its investment portfolios.
A Midwestern fund approved a new target asset allocations at its April board meeting.
A New York-based nonprofit is looking to invest a portion of its endowment with firms majority-owned by women and/or people of color.
A Southern trust fund formally added two new asset classes to its investment policy statement in the fourth quarter.
A Southern 529 plan was slated to review potential replacement recommendations for a fixed-income manager at its first quarter board meeting.
A West Coast pension plan eliminated its commodities allocation last month.
A Midwestern pension plan approved a new long-term asset allocation today.
A Southwestern city approved changes to its fixed-income asset allocation this week.
A Western foundation transitioned to a fully aligned investment portfolio this year after hiring a new investment advisor last year.
A Mid-Atlantic university has formalized its process for screening investments.