Asset Study/Review

Searches And Hires
Hoosier Health System Starts New Asset Class Allocation, Hiring Investment Staff

An Indiana university-affiliated health system has added new asset class allocation and is hiring an investment staffer.

Asset Study/Review
Southern University System Slowly Transitioning To New Target Asset Allocation

A Southern university system is slowly transitioning its endowment to a new target asset allocation approved in the second quarter.

Asset Study/Review
Great Lakes Plan Adopts Target Allocation Changes

A pension plan in the Great Lakes region has added a new REIT allocation.

Asset Study/Review
Hawaii Eyes New Asset Classes, Adds RE Commitment

Hawaii is considering new asset classes and approved a real estate commitment at a meeting last week.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Great Lakes Plan Eyeing New Int’l Small-Cap, MBS Allocations

A pension plan in the Great Lakes region will consider new allocations to international small-cap equity and mortgage-backed securities this week.

West Coast Plan Slates Infrastructure Mgr. Search

A West Coast pension plan is in the midst of an infrastructure search to fill a potential allocation to the asset class.

Searches And Hires
West Coast Health Care Trust Adds Three New Alternative Asset Classes

A West Coast health care trust fund has adopted a new asset allocation that will require manager searches in the private equity, real estate and global macro asset classes.

Alternatives Private Equity Asset Study/Review
Northeast Plan Adds PE Allocation; Axes Large-Cap Core Mgr.

A Northeast pension plan approved a new target to private equity in the second quarter.

Asset Study/Review
Washington Plan Launches Asset Allocation Study

A Washington-based plan is conducting an asset allocation study for a fund it oversees.

Asset Study/Review
Illinois University To Review Investment Strategy

An Illinois university is reviewing its investment strategy to comply with new law.
