Asset Study/Review

MRI/Social Investments
Canadian University Board Supports Divesting Endowment From Fossil Fuels

A Canadian university’s board of governors agreed to express support for divesting its endowment from fossil fuels last week.

Asset Study/Review
New England Plan Approves Equity Option, EMD Allocations

A New England pension plan approved maiden allocations to equity options and emerging market debt at a meeting today.

Hedge Funds
West Coast Plan Axes Hedge Fund Portfolio

A West Coast pension plan has eliminated its hedge fund portfolio.

Asset Study/Review
Midwestern University Makes Investment Policy Changes

A university in the Midwest has approved changes to its investment policy.

New York Foundation Revises Target Asset Allocation

A New York Foundation revised its target asset allocation as part of an update to its investment policy statement at the beginning of the year.

Midwest Plan Adjusts Equity Allocation

A plan in the Midwest has adjusted its equity allocation to lower costs.

Southwest Plan Adds Debt Commitments

A Southwestern pension plan added a pair of distressed debt commitments at Wednesday’s board meeting.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Texas Fund Further Developing Alternative Emerging Manager Program Outline

A Texas-based fund is developing an alternative emerging manager program outline and will focus on two alternative strategies.

Asset Study/Review
Southern University To Review Strategic Plan, AA In 2020

A Southern university will review its strategic plan and asset allocation early next year with the help of its general investment consultant. 

Asset Study/Review
Western Plan To Approve New Asset Allocation Ranges; Discloses Commitments

A Western pension plan is slated to approve new asset allocation ranges at its board meeting next week.
